Friday, February 16, 2007


Cake based on "Tina" fabric show in bottom corner.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snow day - No school!

Finally a snow day! Good thing because I did not finish decorating the cookies for Tyler's Valentines last night.

The boys actually went out at 9am - looks like fun doesn't it? (I hope you can sense the sarcasm!) Why is it that on a school day I am prying them out of bed at 6:45 to rush to make the bus, yet on a snow day they are both up before 6am????
And yes I think it was as cold as it looks...
Stephen tried to shovel the lawn, not much progress made there.

Here is Stephen after coming in from the cold to get warm. I quickly vetoed this outfit for the day and demanded long pants at the very least.

Happy Birthday Jeff!

Thinking of Grandma

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Brian's Brewhouse Cake!

Here is a 40th birthday cake for my friend's brother. He is Irish and brews his own beer (go figure!) Although this may seem like the perfect cake for him - beer and cake to go - the bottles are not real. I made them all from sugar, with edible image labels, so technically you could eat them. But not a great substitute if you are thirsty. The bartender fell for it - he thought it was really a bucket of beer. It was pretty funny when D bit the top of one of the bottles off!

Close up of all the labels - many thanks to all those who contributed to the label text!

Squirt B's Win MORE Trophies!

Went to Lake Placid - bought crazy hats - visited the hospital - won the Gold.
It was a full weekend.
Where'd You Get That Hat?

2 Staples - 1 Hard Head

Tyler at the Olympic Museum

We Keans make pretty babies!

Ryan Kean Bridges

Gerald Kean III

So amazingly cute!!!

Finally some snow....

Okay NOW I can get rid of my Christmas wreath!
But the temp went right back up, very nice out today,
sun shining with the snow on the trees, very pretty.
Of course I can enjoy the snow because I can start my car in my garage and
hop inside with my coffee on not have to go outside until AFTER
I have driven my ass to work (sorry Ro! LOL!)

Stephen Draws

I don't know who this is - but it's just too cute!

Squirt B's Win Trophies!

Tyler's Team won the Division Championship - so the journey to the State Finals continues!

You made the Blog!

Okay - this took waaaay too long to post (but not as long as it did to plan)! Thanks for dinner Jackie and Chris!

As you can see Tiago had a great time - he really loved the napkin origami!