Friday, April 13, 2007

Trying to force Spring

The cat and I decided to see if we could trick the Forcythia into blooming - hopefully in a few days these branches will have flowers on them.

The look on Cat's face seems to show he does not think it's going to work.

Friday is Pizza Day! And all the cool mom's work in the kitchen at school and serve pizza to the kids. Papa Gino's delivers, so it's really my type of school kitchen job!

And after many weeks of uneaten salad tossed into the trash the school has finally gotten rid of the Fat Free Salad dressing that the kids would not touch! We are all very happy at Friday lunch now! It's low fat - but it's Fanny's!! The kids ate a lot more salad today! Of course I was not able to push any on Tyler today - his class was upstairs having a Pizza Party (see the irony here?) in their class room because they won the Penny Drive. Ice cream followed the pizza, that and the fact that they actually had HOT pizza was the real reward! By the time his class is having lunch the pizza has been delivered for over an hour - we can only keep it so warm. Just not the same. This is the reason that Stephen will not eat Papa Gino's pizza anymore.

I know - you WISH your life was this exciting. Off to work on the 2 cakes that are due tomorrow!

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