Friday, June 13, 2008

Naughty Monkey

This is what Tyler picked out to give his teacher at the end of the school year. Seriously. All by himself. Can you even stand it?

The best part is when she opened them and said that she had them in her hands and had almost bought them and her friend talked her out of it saying they were to impulsive and frivolous!

They really are very cool shoes - you can check out Naughty Monkey footwear here:

It was a great school year and I am soooo looking forward to not having to wake the boys on Monday and chase the bus all over town. I told them if I heard either of them up and out of bed before 7:00 on Monday it wouldn't be pretty. Of course you and I both know they will be up bright and early - my guess is 6:10. Maybe they will make me breakfast.

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